Calculate how many days to Achieve your Target Weight
Weight is a significant factor in interpreting and assessing overall body compostion and health risk factors. This utility
can help you to manage your weight and to predict the period that it will take you to achieve a certain weight loss,
given a target weight, activity levels and food intake. Knowing your Active Metabolic Rate (which is the energy
that you require to maintain your present weight) is crucial as will give you the ability to manage your
calorie (kJ) intake so that you can achieve the weight loss you desire.
Population based estimated kJ daily requirements (One calorie = 4.186kJ)
Age (years) | kJ per Day (Male) | kJ per Day (Female) | Your AMR* |
19-30 | 9,000-16,900 | 7,100-13,900 | |
31-50 | 8,900-15,800 | 7,300-12,500 | |
51-70 | 8,200-14,700 | 6,900-12,000 | |
70+ | 6,300-13,500 | 5,600-11,500 | |
Note on Active Metabolic Rate
Based on your body composition and given your present body weight and Activity Index, your Active Metabolic Rate (energy intake) will be calculated for you once you either Sign In or enter your Assessment Data