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Component of Fitness - Anaerobic


About Anaerobic Capacity Testing.

The anaerobic energy system is subdivided into two parts. The first part is that which involves only a few seconds of work. It relies on stored energy (phosphagens) already available in the muscle and results in small or insignificant changes in lactic acid concentration. The second part involves the breakdown of fuels in the form of glucose or glycogen to produce useful energy phosphagens to power movement. Due to the fact that a number of biochemical steps are involved, it is slower and therefore average power is lower. Lactic acid is produced as a biproduct in this energy pathway and this may cause rapid fatigue and loss of coordination and fine motor control.

The tests detailed in this section include tests designed to assess both parts of the anaerobic energy system. Those which are completed in 10 seconds or less are primarily assessing the alactic anaerobic system while those taking between 10 to 90 seconds are assessing the lactic anaerobic system.